اگر پنجره Output را در ویژوال استودیو به هنگام Debug باز کرده و Show output from را برابر Debug قرار داده باشید میبینید که ویژوال استودیو خیلی از فعالیتهای داخلی برنامه را از جمله Load اسمبلیها یا Exceptionهای برنامه را مدام در آنجا فهرست میکند. همین کار را در مورد فعالیتهای داخلی NHibernate هم میتوان …
I was used to use entlib for logging. But as I’m in favour of open source and because I am using NHibernate and Castle ActiveRecord in my applications, decided to use log4net instead. So found a good article about it, and enabled it for my application. But the problem was a very huge log file …
I’m using log4net for logging in my ASP.NET application. This web site is based on .Net framework 3.5 and is installed on IIS 7.5 and Windows Server 2008 R2 in a 64 bit machine. Logging was working greatly when I was running application from Visual Studio 2010’s internal web server, but was not working at …