NHibernate Forge

NHibernate Forge is “The official new home for the NHibernate community”. Everyone who wants to start with NHibernate, probably tries to utilize this site. Recently I visited this site because I was looking for some information about NHibernate and decided to write my point of view about it:

1. Best section of site in my opinion, is its Wiki, but it still needs more Wikies like introduction of NHibernate related books and references.
2. From this site, it isn’t obvious clear that if it is active enough to contribute or not. Specially when you consider that there is just one blog post in 2010’s first quarter in its blog.
3. If someone wants to contribute in site’s content and in NHibernate itself, where is a starting point or directions for him? I  found just a short direction in Welcome Message.
4. Deep Grok is forbidden for me, because I use an Iranian IP! It’s absolutely  against open source spirit.
5. It seems that creating user in nhforge.org is not very easy because I signed up but I haven’t received any email during last 18 hours.

At the end, I hope an active NHibernate Forge for all.


  1. E-Bat

    Agree, i leave in Cuba, we have here a wide community of NH users and we are forbidden from many features in Forge, embarrassing being NH open source framework. Developers are developers, not politics.

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