Good days with Subversion

Despite debate of these days which argue that Subversion‘s gold days has been gone and it must be replaced with a distributed SCM like Git, we recently get rid of SourceSafe and migrated to Subversion happily. Before continuing I must emphasis that we were not the only company that uses SourceSafe. There are yet many other companies in Iran that are using SourceSafe. Even there are many other companies and development teams that are not using any SCM at all.

In my opinion our delay of migrating to an up-to-date SCM just like Subversion, Git or TFS was lack of knowledge about new technologies and tools and fear of change. Fortunately in last 2 month I managed to convince my boss to replace SourceSafe with Subversion by showing him that Subversion could be integrated with Visual Studio too by utilizing AnkhSVN. He went happy with hooks that can send emails and with easy branching provided by Subversion. At last he was satisfied when realized that Subversion has a minimum hardware requirement in comparison with TFS. TFS was an old Subversion competitor in our company when we were planning to find a better replacement for SourceSafe.

It is second week that we turned SourceSafe into read-only mode, moved all needed sources to Subversion and updated all process to use Subversion. And fortunately this was a happy migration, nothing went bad, we got no trouble and our client machines and developers complained of nothing. Our style of utilizing Subversion included using 3 excellent tools: Slik Subversion 1.6.9, TortoiseSVN and AnkhSvn 2.1.7819.411.


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