During this project I faced several problems. First of them was Autofac. Autofac is a nice .Net IoC library but I had some problems with it. I never knew that Autofac WCF is a separate assembly. One reason was that I thought NuGet will download all references for me. I spent many time to configuring Autofac WCF but because I had no reference to Autofac WCF I thought it is because my version of Autofac is old. So tried to compile it.
Another problem with Autofac was that documentations has a lot content on hosting a WCF service via Autofac but many poor content on how to consume a WCF service via Autofac. Because of this I was confused how to consume a WCF service via Autofac.
Initializing Autofac with MVC was not so problematic. Just using sample codes. ASP.NET MVC is great on receiving instances on constructors.
NuGet bothered a little. It was because I was not very familiar with it. I was using it incorrectly.
Entity Framework was not very problematic in first steps. Hope to not have no problems with it as a NHibernate fun.