به سلامتی TeamCity را به قصد راه اندازی CI و انجام خودکار Unit Testها راه انداختیم اما مشکلات و مسائل زیادی به وجود آمد. بعضیها حل شدند و بعضیها نه. خلاصهای از نکاتی که به آن برخورد کردم: ۱- نصب خود TeamCity خیلی ساده و سریع بود. ولی تا آنجا که فهمیدم فقط با MSBuild …
If you ever has need to customize build process in Team Foundation Build 2010, you may noticed that there is several ways to do it while each way is suitable for a specific range of requirements: 1. Running external tools like batch files or ftp.exe or MSBuild Community Tasks via InvokeProcess or via MSBuild Activity. …
It’s a few months that I am dealing with continuous integration, automatic builds, TFS and Team Foundation Build deeply. Experiences during this period learned me some points that I’m glad to share with all: 1. Don’t assume anything about build agent. Specifically don’t assume any library is installed on the agent, any assembly registered in …